Today I traveled to Christianborg Slot, home of the Christianborg castle. From there I went across the bridge to quiet Christianhavn. The apartments here are beautiful and overlook the canals. Also located here is Christiania, a place that seemed like another world to me. It is filled with nearly homeless Danes who sell crafts to tourists and smoke constantly. Up until 2006 they had no electricity. Don't bring a camera here, the people of Christiania will get angry with you if you try to take pictures of the area. Although I was a bit frightened while visiting, the ponds around Christiania made up for it. I enjoyed sitting out in the sun to eat my packed lunch! The pictures here are of the Stock Exchange building in Christianborg Slot, the canal directly across from it, and the entrance to Christiania.
Hey Anna! I saw you comment on Dale's facebook that you had this blog...how long are you going to be in Denmark? I'm glad you're having fun! -Becca