Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thiago Arrives in Copenhagen!

My friend Thiago visited me a couple days ago! He is the cousin of my friend Flora who lived with my family for ten months. Thiago and I met when I visited Flora's family in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is now working as a veterinarian in northern England. (I posted pictures previously of when I visited him) We went to Christiania, Tivoli, and the Royal Palace. Unfortunately it started snowing hard on his second day, so we couldn't do as much as we would have liked. To warm up we joined some Australians at a bar for drinks. I'm finding that this is what the Danes do a lot to get through the cold winter months!

Us in Tivoli, which is an amusement park that goes crazy on decorations for Christmas! They have rides, Christmas mulled wine, and tons of booths to buy ornaments.

At the bar we started to do puzzles, specifically mind bogglers and here Thiago is explaining the rules to one.

The Australians (all engineers) figuring out the puzzle.

From left to right; me, Ron and Milly (Perth, Australia), Jessica (north carolina), Devon (Alaska), then Pip, Matt and Mark also from Perth.

Thiago's second day in Copenhagen we went to Kongens Nytorv and looked at these photos from all over the world. Had to find the one taken from Recife, Brazil. : )

Me in Kongens freezing my butt off right as it really started to snow.

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